
Version 1.1.200 not visible in cocoapods

kivu opened this issue · 1 comments

kivu commented

Hi @krzyzanowskim

When I'm trying to install OpenSSL dependency with:
pod 'OpenSSL-Universal'
cocoapods fetch only version 1.1.900.
When I tried to set version manually in my podspec file:
ss.dependency 'OpenSSL-Universal', '1.1.2000'
I got an error:
Specs satisfying the OpenSSL-Universal (= 1.1.1900), OpenSSL-Universal (= 1.1.2000) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
even if deployment target is set to iOS 16.

I checked release list here:
and it seems like version 1.1.2000 hasn't been released there - do you think this might be a problem or something else has to be configured to install version 1.1.2000 ?

thx. Pushed.