
3.1.5 Needs to incorporate Privacy Manifest in Podspec

MichaelWellsSM opened this issue · 3 comments

I see that a new major release has been issued and that it includes the privacy manifest. However, I do not see the equivalent changes being made in the podspec file. For those of use not using SPM this means we are not pulling the manifests. Can the podspec please be updated too, thanks.

privacy manifest is included in the zip archive used by the cocoapods. not sure what do you mean that it's not included


The podspec needs to be updated as so ->

See the line ->
s.resource_bundles = {'Alamofire' => ['Source/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy']}

Otherwise, the files are not brought in properly.

no. why would it? it’s not shipped with sources abut with vendored framework that already has manifest in it