Correct way to use breakpoints
Opened this issue · 7 comments
I'm trying to add breakpoints into my slider. I want the slider to have 6 slides per view on desktop but only 2 slides on mobile. If I use the override parameters like this
<ks-swiper-container loop="false" pagination-is-active="false" pagination-clickable="false" show-nav-buttons="false" space-between="0" swiper="swiper" override-parameters="{'breakpoints':'640: {slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetweenSlides: 20 },1200: {slidesPerView: 6}'}">
Swiper.js throws an type error.
TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'max' in 640: {slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetweenSlides: 20 },1200: {slidesPerView: 6} at Object.b.setBreakpoint (swiper.js:300)
I'm guessing the error is a string is getting passed over and it should be an object. Is there a better way to try to accomplish this?
Seems like this is not possible yet because the library is using an older version of swiper js which does not support responsive.
Also make sure you validate the json you place inside override-parameters
as it looks invalid.
If you wanted to you could try to raise the swipers versions in angular-swiper dependency and perform a regression test. If all checks pass, you could probably PR it here.
Probably starting with ~3.1.0 (which will allow 3.2.0 if you were to declare it in your bower.json you could declare in your app and select it as you run bower install).
I already had the latest version of swiper loading. So what I did was just add breakpoints to the params variable in angular-swiper.js
slidesPerView: $scope.slidesPerView || 1, slidesPerColumn: $scope.slidesPerColumn || 1, spaceBetween: $scope.spaceBetween || 0, direction: $scope.direction || 'horizontal', loop: $scope.loop || false, initialSlide: $scope.initialSlide || 0, showNavButtons: false, breakpoints: $scope.breakpoints || {}
That was enough to get it to work the way I need it too.
@Byucougars Can you send me last version angular-swiper.js because I didnt find, and can you add your html code and angular code ? thanks for help
I am using 3.3.1 and added breakpoints: $scope.breakpoints || {}
but its still not working.
I'm using 3.3.0. my code isnt' that great. I was in a jam and have it in mind to go back and clean it up to be more helpful for other people. But the idea is this.
under scope I added breakpoints: '@'
scope: { onReady: '&', slidesPerView: '=', slidesPerColumn: '=', spaceBetween: '=', parallax: '=', parallaxTransition: '@', paginationIsActive: '=', paginationClickable: '=', showNavButtons: '=', showScrollBar: '=', loop: '=', autoplay: '=', initialSlide: '=', containerCls: '@', wrapperCls: '@', paginationCls: '@', slideCls: '@', direction: '@', swiper: '=', overrideParameters: '=', buttonClass: '@', breakpoints: '@' },
at top of controller:function() I add my break points. This is the messy part. At the moment if I need to load a responsive slider they will have the same breakpoints so I just hard coded it in here and when I load the slider I just write breakpoints="eventSlider" in the slider directive on my html template. It would be cool to add the breaks points directly to the html template in the near future but I didn't have time to troubleshoot it.
if ($scope.breakpoints == 'eventSlider') { var bp = { 1024: { slidesPerView: 6, spaceBetween: 0 }, 768: { slidesPerView: 5, spaceBetween: 0 }, 600: { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 0 }, 500: { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 0 }, 400: { slidesPerView: 2, spaceBetween: 0 }, 200: { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 0 } }; }
then in directive defaults i added breakpoints: bp || {}
// directive defaults var params = { slidesPerView: $scope.slidesPerView || 1, slidesPerColumn: $scope.slidesPerColumn || 1, spaceBetween: $scope.spaceBetween || 0, direction: $scope.direction || 'horizontal', buttonClass: $scope.buttonClass || '', loop: $scope.loop || false, initialSlide: $scope.initialSlide || 0, showNavButtons: false, breakpoints: bp || {} };
I hope this helps you.