Monitor Chaos on Sock-Shop

Chaos experiments on sock-shop app with grafana dashboard to monitor it.

Step-0: Obtain the demo artefacts

  • Clone the sock-shop repo

    git clone
    cd sock-shop

Step-1: Setup Sock-Shop Microservices Application

  • Create sock-shop namespace on the cluster

    kubectl create ns sock-shop
  • Apply the sock-shop microservices manifests

    kubectl apply -f deploy/sock-shop/
  • Wait until all services are up. Verify via kubectl get pods -n sock-shop

Step-2: Setup the LitmusChaos Infrastructure

  • Install the litmus chaos operator and CRDs

    kubectl apply -f
  • Install the litmus-admin serviceaccount for centralized/admin-mode of chaos execution

    kubectl apply -f
  • Install the chaos experiments in admin(litmus) namespace

    kubectl apply -f -n litmus 
  • Install the chaos experiment metrics exporter and chaos event exporter

    kubectl apply -f deploy/litmus-metrics/01-event-router-cm.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/litmus-metrics/02-event-router.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/litmus-metrics/03-chaos-exporter.yaml

Step-3: Setup the Monitoring Infrastructure

  • Apply the monitoring manifests in specified order

    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/01-monitoring-ns.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/02-prometheus-rbac.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/03-prometheus-configmap.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/04-prometheus-alert-rules.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/05-prometheus-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/06-prometheus-svc.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/07-grafana-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f deploy/monitoring/08-grafana-svc.yaml
  • Access the grafana dashboard via the NodePort (or loadbalancer) service IP or via a port-forward operation on localhost

    Note: To change the service type to Loadbalancer, perform a kubectl edit svc prometheus -n monitoring and replace type: NodePort to type: LoadBalancer

    kubectl get svc -n monitoring 

    Default username/password credentials: admin/admin

  • Add the prometheus datasource for Grafana via the Grafana Settings menu


  • Import the grafana dashboard "Sock-Shop Performance" provided here


Step-4: Execute the Chaos Experiments

  • For the sake of illustration, let us execute a CPU hog experiment on the catalogue microservice & a Memory Hog experiment on the orders microservice in a staggered manner

    kubectl apply -f chaos/catalogue/catalogue-cpu-hog.yaml

    Wait for ~60s

    kubectl apply -f chaos/orders/orders-memory-hog.yaml
  • Verify execution of chaos experiments

    kubectl describe chaosengine catalogue-cpu-hog -n litmus
    kubectl describe chaosengine orders-memory-hog -n litmus

Step-5: Visualize Chaos Impact

  • Observe the impact of chaos injection through increased Latency & reduced QPS (queries per second) on the microservices under test.

