
No pod file in the repo

lmaix opened this issue · 4 comments

lmaix commented

Hey ! Thanks for this repo. I wanted to try it but I don't see any pod file in the folder Example.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Hi! This repo was prepared specifically for this blog post medium.com/p/fb5cd606220f Initially, I wanted to publish an example with CococaPods, but ended up doing Swift Package Manager instead. So this line in README should be removed. You do not need to run pod install.

lmaix commented

Thanks. I don't understand if I can test it or was just for educational purpose?

I mean on a test project I tried to add a Swift Package Manager with this url https://github.com/ksemianov/SwiftyEigen but there is not release number so I can not

It is intended for educational purposes. Currently, it maps a subset of Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> functionality as an Objective-C class EIGMatrix. For your convenience, I've added tag 0.1.0 to the latest commit, so you can add this repository as a package dependency.

As a side note, for small fixed sized matrix manipulations you most likely need simd library which is in Apple's SDK developer.apple.com/documentation/accelerate/working_with_matrices. For arbitrary sized matrices, you might like github.com/Jounce/Surge

lmaix commented

Thank you I succeed do to what I wanted :)