
Buggy behavior sometimes when the view is locked

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Try to edit a locked view, open an edit dialog, hit Apply, get the error that it's calling option_validate() on a non-object.
However, I can't reproduce this consistently (got it today while demoing the UI, but now I can't reproduce it)

Haven't been able to reproduce it at all today.
So it's either fixed, or very rare. Leaving the issue open for reference.

Okay, reproduced it.
Try to edit a locked view, and add a new field (or filter or whatever). Once you get to the edit form (in the dialog), hitting Apply, Cancel, changing the formatter, any action will lead to:

Fatal error: Call to a member function options_validate() on a non-object in modules/views/includes/admin.inc on line 4173

And actually, this bug exists in the old UI as well (just replicated it in Views 3 for D6 and D7). There's not even an open issue about it.
I guess I just have a habit of doing weird things.