
HTTP AJAX Error when adding and configuring fields (or doing anything else in a dialog)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Here's an example error:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a view and edit it
  2. Click "add" to add filter criteria
  3. Select a few criteria
  4. Click "Add and configure filter criteria"
  5. The AJAX error should appear.

The error is:

ResponseText: Recoverable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to drupal_attributes() must be an array, null given, called in /Users/macbookpro/Sites/ui/includes/form.inc on line 3107 and defined in drupal_attributes() (line 2258 of /includes/common.inc).

It comes from theme_container(), where it $element['#attributes'] isn't initialized correctly:
return '<div' . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . '>' . $element['#children'] . '';

I fixed it with this commit:
If I understand correctly, this is using some ctools functionality? Perhaps the bug is there. It only failed here because all other elements already had some declared #attributes.

I don't see anything ctools there. container is core, I think.

True, the ctools collapsible is in JS.
So I guess the only question is why the #attributes don't get correctly initialized, requiring us to do it ourselves.
Leaving this issue open if someone gets an epiphany, in any case the bug is gone.

Core bug. theme_container() initializes #attributes (by adding id/class) when $element is in a form (i.e., when there's a #array_parents). In the case above, 'container' is used a #theme_wrapper for an element that isn't in a form. Might be good to submit a core patch to theme_container() to handle an uninitialized #attributes when $element isn't in a form. Anyway, fixed in Views UI, so closing issue.