jobs started inside a loop have the full loop text as their command line
adavies42 opened this issue · 2 comments
adavies42 commented
$ seq 2|while read x; do sleep $x& done
$ jobs
[3] + Running seq 2|while read x; do sleep $x& done
[2] - Running seq 2|while read x; do sleep $x& done
[3] + Done seq 2|while read x; do sleep $x& done
[2] - Done seq 2|while read x; do sleep $x& done
wouldn't something like
$ seq 2|while read x; do sleep $x& done
$ jobs
[3] + Running sleep 2
[2] - Running sleep 1
[3] + Done sleep 2
[2] - Done sleep 1
be more useful?
McDutchie commented
I agree. This is because ksh takes the job command from the history file, and it simply takes the entire command line; it's not a bug so much as a design flaw. You also get nonsensical output if you invoke two background jobs on the same command line:
$ sleep 10 & sleep 10 &
[1] 31064
[2] 31065
$ jobs
[2] + Running sleep 10 & sleep 10 &
[1] - Running sleep 10 & sleep 10 &
I intend to fix this for the future 93u+m/1.1 release at some point by regenerating the job's shell code from the binary command tree instead. For the 1.0 series, we're just going to have to live with it I'm afraid.