- Aru-han
- blackgarycNone
- CaiBirdHSA
- ChanJeunlam
- chnth
- cjz97
- collins-hub
- eliadb
- fncsobralUNSW
- guor1997
- Hongjing0506Sun Yat-sen University
- hotuyo
- hufangd-2019Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- hyodae-seoUniversity of Hawaii, Manoa
- Iocas-why
- jspeers101
- katie-kirk
- Lewis-Barnett-NOAA
- liangmarine
- lnferrisApplied Physics Laboratory - UW
- LooballHoHai University
- MeteoloverEast China Normal University
- mitre13
- PhyOceanographerIH Cantabria
- q1165600785
- rblod
- robertjwilsonPlymouth Marine Laboratory
- Sakulakime
- shifei90
- swj425029502
- typhoon777
- wenfanwuVirginia Institute of Marine Science
- yangleirFirst institute of Oceanography, MNR, China
- youngq1997