
Study and Implementation of various neural network pruning techniques. Extending the lottery ticket hypothesis to structured pruning for accelerated training while maintaining uncertainty and accuracy. The focus is on simplifying the model's complexity without sacrificing its overall performance or leading to overfitting.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Effects of Structured Pruning on Handling Uncertainty Estimates

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Neural Network Pruning Techniques


This repository contains the implementation and experimentation of various neural network pruning techniques, with a focus on structured pruning. The aim is to reduce the complexity of the model while maintaining or improving its general performance and preventing overfitting.

Pruning Techniques Implemented

This section outlines the various pruning techniques applied in our study referenced from the paper Lottery Ticket Hypothesis. Iterative Pruning outperforms the rest based on its effectiveness in reducing model complexity while maintaining performance.

  • One-Shot Pruning
  • Re-Initialised One-Shot Pruning
  • Randomly Re-Initialised One-Shot Pruning
  • Re-Initialised Iterative Pruning


  • cifar10.ipynb: Contains the implementation for the CIFAR-10 (multinary) dataset for CNN.
  • make_moon.ipynb: Demonstrates pruning on the Make Moons (binary) dataset for FCC.
  • util.py: Utility functions used across the models.

Results and Analysis:

  • Accuracy : Estimating model's ability to correctly predict on sample data through test accuracy metrics referenced from the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis Paper

    • Early Stopping Criteria: Minimum number of epochs required to train the model after Pm percent of pruning.
    • Test Accuracy: Accuracy on the test dataset after Pm percent of pruning.
  • Expected Calibration Error: Providing visual insight into the model's calibration before and after pruning referenced from the Temerature Scaling Paper

    • Reliability Diagram: Distribution of confidence intervals versus the actual proportion of correct predictions.
    • ECE: Expected Caliberation Error after Pm percent of pruning on the test data.
    • UCE: Uncertainity Caliberation Error after Pm percent of pruning on the test data.
  • Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) Detection: Estimating model's ability to correctly predict outcomes on unseen data.

    • Reliability Diagram: Examining how the model's predicted confidence levels compare with its actual performance on OOD scenarios.
    • ECE: Determining the Expected Calibration Error to quantify the model's predictive confidence accuracy when faced with unfamiliar data.

Pruning Best Practices

The insights derived from the paper What is the state of Neural Network Pruning? and our experiments have been used to formulate a set of best practices for pruning neural networks.


Refer our paper Affects of Pruning Neural Network included in this repository for an in-depth analysis of the pruning techniques and their impacts on model performance.


For any queries, please open an issue in the repository or contact the maintainers directly. Contributions to this project are welcome. Please send pull requests or open an issue to discuss potential changes or additions.


This project builds upon significant previous work in the field of neural network pruning and would not be possible without the foundational research provided by the following papers and authors:

  • Frankle, J., & Carbin, M. (2018). The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks. Available at arXiv:1803.03635.
  • Blalock, D., Gonzalez Ortiz, J. J., Frankle, J., & Guttag, J. (2020). What is the state of Neural Network Pruning? Available at arXiv:2003.03033.
  • Bansal, V., Khoiwal, R., Shastri, H., Khandor, H., & Batra, N. (2022). "I do not know": Quantifying Uncertainty in Neural Network Based Approaches for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. Available at Nipun Batra’s publications.
  • Daxberger, E., Nalisnick, E., Allingham, J. U., Antoran, J., & Hernández-Lobato, J. M. (2021). Bayesian Deep Learning and a Probabilistic Perspective of Generalization. Available at ICML Proceedings.
  • Laves, M.-H., Ihler, S., Kortmann, K.-P., & Ortmaier, T. (2021). Well-calibrated Model Uncertainty with Temperature Scaling. Available at MLR Proceedings.

The contributions of Ksheer Agrawal, Lipika Rajpal, and Kanshik Singhal have been invaluable in the development and success of this project.