Curating a Diverse Collection: We aim to curate a diverse and extensive collection of books across various genres, ensuring that readers can find something that resonates with their interests, preferences, and backgrounds. We believe in the power of representation and aim to promote inclusivity in literature.
Welcome to book-store Immerse yourself in a world of captivating stories and thought-provoking ideas. Our collection features a diverse range of genres and authors, promising an unforgettable reading experience for every book lover.Discover gripping tales of mystery and suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat, or delve into heartwarming stories of love and friendship that touch your soul. Explore the realms of fantasy,
1) Front-end:
* React (HTML5, JS, CSS3)
* React
* Chakra-Icon
* Chakra Ui
* External CSS Libraries (Styled-Components, framer-motion,Slicka,)
1) react
2) react-dom
3) react-scripts
4) Ant Design
5) chakra-icons
6) react-icons
7) chakra ui realated libararies including chakra icons
8) javaScript
9) axios
10) React-Router-Dom
1) navigate to Front-end directory
2) use node version 16 or higher. version 18 is recommended
3) run command npm install
(make sure you are confirming url of server)
npm start /*or*/ npm run start
npm run build