
HLS not playing after ad on IOS

andrefilimono opened this issue · 3 comments

In Safary (Iphone) IMA SDK do not dispatch google.ima.AdEvent.Type.CONTENT_RESUME_REQUESTED event, so method this._playVideoContent() will not be called.

Simple workaround is to set:
adsRenderingSettings.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete = false

I tested with iphone5s (Safari, Chrome) and iPad (Safari, Chrome) and i was not able to reproduce this issue. (the video content is displayed after ad in my tests).

Thought, for HLS scenario on iOS, the native HTML5 video element is used for playback, and adsRenderingSettings.restoreCustomPlaybackStateOnAdBreakComplete set to false may improve user experience (because it should reduce the "latency" time between ad and video content).

I will change it to false and improve playback state restoration.
Thank you @andrefilimono for report it.

@andrefilimono new release should resolve this issue. (require Clappr 0.2.66 or greater)

Yeah, it works perfectly.