Radar chart
Opened this issue · 4 comments
dagillespie commented
A radar chart would be super useful for comparing a number of options or understanding the profile of a design. Something along this line would be amazing - http://bl.ocks.org/nbremer/6506614
radumg commented
Quite like the idea. The updated radar chart looks amazing too : http://bl.ocks.org/nbremer/21746a9668ffdf6d8242
ksobon commented
@radumg that first one more likely if anything. I am not into this whole glow effect thing.
radumg commented
@ksobon presumed that can be turned off, don't like the fuzy-ness either, but I did like the spline approach and the cleanup of the underlying grid.
ksobon commented
yeah i can see that. i will have a look....eventually.