
Float error

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getting error for this line about TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable
mesh.py: 287
weight = weight_set[pidx][j]


You should use the glTF importer that ships with Blender. It has been better than this one since the Blender 2.83 release.

I know, but that one does not work at all as it requires MSFT_texture_dds extension. This is how I ended up with your solution.
I fixed a dew issues, but cannot overcome this one.

I can comment the whole block, but getting weird results.

It would be easier for me to give you a patch of the official importer that implements MSFT_texture_dds (IIRC it was trivial to implement). Would that be okay? I haven't looked at this repo in quite a while.

That would probably work... official one throws me some assetion errors on import, but I believe this is all about that dds

You didn't include A320_NEO_LOD01.bin in your .zip so I can't test your file, but try this branch: dds.

btw this is on top of glTF-Blender-IO's master, which requires at least Blender 2.90, so make sure you have that.

Still no good for me. Imports the bones and throws an error.
Uploaded full package with different LOD

It errors because your file has a NORMAL accessor that is a VEC4. Normals have to be VEC3.

Make sure your file passes the validator first. You should also use a simpler file for a testcase.

Here's a CesiumMan that uses a .dds texture for testing: CesiumManDDS.zip

Thank you for your efforts. I see it is working and would be a great help moving on.
Unfortunately it did not worked for my case, as it seems the models I need to work on are not following glTF standards.

Anyway, thank you for your help!