This project loads NOAA Global Historical Climatology Network Daily(GHCN-D) from Amazon S3 to BigQuery
Follow my medium post for how to guide
Source : NOAA Global Historical Climatology Network Daily (GHCN-D) pon AWS The GHCH-D data are stored in the noaa-ghcn-pds bucket:
The directory is structured by year from 1763 to present, with each file named after the respective year. The data are available in CSV file format and as .csv.gzip files, so any particular year will be named yyyy.csv and yyyy.csv.gz. For example to access the csv version of the data for 1788 use the bucket URL:
This project reads the csv source file.
Summary of the Source Data Format: The yearly files are formatted so that every observation is represented by a single row with the following fields:
ID = 11 character station identification code. Please see ghcnd-stations section below for an explantation YEAR/MONTH/DAY = 8 character date in YYYYMMDD format (e.g. 19860529 = May 29, 1986) ELEMENT = 4 character indicator of element type DATA VALUE = 5 character data value for ELEMENT M-FLAG = 1 character Measurement Flag Q-FLAG = 1 character Quality Flag S-FLAG = 1 character Source Flag OBS-TIME = 4-character time of observation in hour-minute format (i.e. 0700 =7:00 am) The fields are comma delimited and each row represents one station-day.
ELEMENT Summary The five core elements used in this project are:
PRCP = Precipitation (tenths of mm) SNOW = Snowfall (mm) SNWD = Snow depth (mm) TMAX = Maximum temperature (tenths of degrees C) TMIN = Minimum temperature (tenths of degrees C)
For detailed information , checkout
Summary of Output format - BigQuery Schema:
Field name Type
station_id STRING
date DATE
latitude FLOAT
longitude FLOAT
elevation FLOAT
max_temp FLOAT
min_temp FLOAT
mean_temp FLOAT
prcp FLOAT
snowfall FLOAT
snow_depth FLOAT
obs_time STRING
m_flag STRING
q_flag STRING
s_flag STRING
gsn_flag STRING
hcn_crn_flag STRING
station_name STRING
state_code STRING
state STRING
country_code STRING
country STRING
wmo_id INTEGER
partition_date DATE
To build and package the app
##Build and package the spark job. Provide your aws key and aws secret as aruguments.
##example: $HOME/scripts/ -a "AKYDESLKJS827DFSDF9R43RF" -b "FqDddfsL00vcMMMNNNSDFDaclF599999Prh+/vam"
$HOME/ghcn-daily-analysis/scripts/ -a "YOUR AWS_ACCESS_KEY" -b "YOUR AWS_SECRET_KEY"
Setup GCP Datalake To setup the following services on GCP, execute the script Create a project Enable billing(will still be in the free tier) Enable Dataproc and BigQuery Services Create a google cloud storage bucket Create a BigQuery Dataset Create a Dataproc cluster
Execute sh
$HOME/ghcn-daily-analysis/scripts/ -a "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME" -b "YOUR_BILLING_ACC_ID" -c "GCP_REGION"
To run dataproc job
export LOCATION="us-east1" #Set your GCP region
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark \
--cluster=ghcn-analysis \
--region=$LOCATION \
--class=com.ksr.ghcn.Run \