
Loss of number precision

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I just came around a case where the NSJONSerializer behaves different than KSJON. Say, we have the following object:

(lldb) po d
    timestamp = "1457795057.445483";
    type = foreground;

Serializing with NSJSONSerialization gives me:

(lldb) po [[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:d options:0 error:nil] LT_stringByConvertingToUTF8]

whereas KSJSON gives me:

(lldb) po [KSJSON serializeObject:d error:nil]

which ultimately leads to a loss of precision:

(lldb) po [KSJSON deserializeString:[KSJSON serializeObject:d error:nil] error:nil]
    timestamp = 1457800000;
    type = foreground;

Is this a bug in KSJSON or am I using it wrong?

Obviously the line snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%g", value); (which is being used for all float number marshalling) is responsible here. What is the reasoning to not use %f here?