
[OALSimpleAudio bgPlaying] not working

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Calling [[OALSimpleAudio sharedInstance] bgPlaying] returns FALSE even when there is background music playing.

I wrote a category to OALSimpleAudio to only trigger the play action when the speficied background music file is not already playing but since bgPlaying returns FALSE even when the background music is actually playing, the code below simply does not work.

@implementation OALSimpleAudio (Additions)

- (void)playBgIfNotAlreadyPlaying:(NSString *)fileName loop:(BOOL)loop {
    if (![self isPlayingBgNamed:fileName]) {
        [self stopBg];
        [self playBg:fileName loop:loop];

- (BOOL)isPlayingBgNamed:(NSString *)fileName {
    if ([self bgPlaying]) {
        if ([[[[self backgroundTrackURL] absoluteString] lastPathComponent] isEqualToString:fileName]) {
            return YES;
        } else {
            return NO;
    } else {
        return NO;
