Grabs the dominant color or a representative color palette from an image. Uses PHP and GD, Imagick or Gmagick.
- jpaylorUnited Kingdom
- RockoDevCiudad de México
- eduardokumCuritiba
- wedancedalotUkraine
- tiagogonBerlin
- agallouLyon
- CosmicistBuenos Aires, Argentina
- abdihaikalSingapore, Singapore
- lbaliİstanbul
- slaterjohnUnited Kingdom
- matt-usurpUnited Kingdom
- kandebonfimBrazil
- malisettiIndia
- cuevven
- SupmeRussia
- osmanyaziciTürkiye
- danielchicoteSpain
- defiantIstanbul
- 3even
- jarrodfreemanUnited States
- jamiebicknellSouthampton, UK
- joncutrerTexas
- LewisGet
- davidgorgesHamburg, Germany
- GreenBot
- DocswingFrance
- TheHiddenHakuMilan
- alashowSunnyvale, CA
- joshterrillAlameda, California
- hanspagelBerlin
- PautomagiNorway
- aarondfrancisDallas, TX
- aholstensonMalmö, Sweden
- hmdak
- antocaravanoArona (NO) - Italy
- jurajivan