
Adding a image title or data to the a tag

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I need to show a title of the selected image when any of the images are clicked. I tried adding a data attribute to the anchor tag, but it gets lost when the transferred into the smooth Products component.

So a couple of possible feature requests:

  • Allow the display of a title above/below the main image for the selected image
  • Allow adding extra attributes to the anchor (like the "data-" attribute
  • Adding an OnImageSelected callback to allow for custom JS calls

I'f I get the chance to do a proper implementation, I'll submit a pull request, but swamped at the moment, so I might have to just implement a workaround.

@dinc5150 Did you get a chance to implement this?

Sorry @aztekweb, I never implemented the feature as the client was happy to work around the feature.