
Custom extend layout is loading default layout before changing to custom one

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Dear @ktquez,
I configured your plugin as below:

  <div id="app">
  import VueExtendLayouts from 'vue-extend-layout'
  export default {
    name: 'App',
    components: {
      'vue-extend-layouts': VueExtendLayouts


  <div id="default">
        <v-content fluid>
          <div class="page-wrapper-default">
            <router-view :key="$route.fullPath">
  import ...
  export default {
    name: 'default',
    data () {
      return {...},
    components: {...},
<style scoped>


  <div id="public">
    <v-app id="public">
        <v-content fluid>
          <div class="page-wrapper-public">
  import ...
  export default {
    name: 'public',
    data () {
      return {...}
    components: {...}
<style scoped>


export default [
    path: '/dashboard',
    name: 'Dashboard',
    meta: { breadcrumb: true },
    component: () => import('@/containers/DashboardPage')
    path: '/survey/questionnaire/:link([a-zA-Z0-9=?&%]+)',
    name: 'Questionnaire',
    meta: { layout: 'public' },
    component: loadPage('survey', 'SurveyQuestionnairePage')
  // wildcard router redirect
    path: '*',
    meta: { layout: 'public' },
    redirect: {
      name: 'NotFound'
  // errors pages
    path: '/404',
    name: 'NotFound',
    meta: { layout: 'public' },
    component: loadPage('error', 'NotFoundPage')

But during the render of the pages that have layout: public, the default layout is loaded and then the public layout. This behavour allows me to see the toolbar component of the default layout.
I noticed this at the VueDevTools (on section Components):

    <VueExtendLayout2> (props: default, path: layouts, meta: layout: public)
      <Public> (meta: layout: public)

Do you have any idea what is happening?
Thanks! ^^

Do you have how to make a video, or gif or upload online?

Here! ^^
The same behavior happens if I use your plugin or the steps in this link

@mpocin I'll do some tests

I made some changes (v2.0.4), could you check if it solved the problem?