I think currently there is lot of rerendering
shirshak55 opened this issue · 3 comments
Current system is abit broken. Changing route don't refresh it properly I have modified to following code and it is working correctly . Can you review it.
<component :is="currentLayout"/>
export default {
name: 'VueExtendLayout2',
props: {
layout: { type: String, default: 'default' },
path: {
type: String,
default: 'layouts',
data() {
return {
hasLoaded: false,
layoutName: 'default',
watch: {
'$route.meta.layout': {
immediate: true,
handler(newLayout) {
if (!newLayout) { this.layoutName = this.layout || 'default'; return; }
this.layoutName = newLayout;
computed: {
currentLayout() {
const ln = this.layoutName;
return () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "layout-[request]" */ `@/${this.path}/${ln}.vue`);
Send me a pull request with your approach.
I would be grateful for this.
Send me this pull request as fast as you can.
Your code made things much cleaner.
<component :is="currentLayout"/>
export default {
name: "VueExtendLayout2",
props: {
layout: { type: String, default: "default" },
path: {
type: String,
default: "layouts"
data() {
return {
layoutName: 'default'
watch: {
"$route.meta.layout": {
immediate: true,
handler(newLayout) {
if (!newLayout && !this.$route.name) { this.layoutName = null; return; }
if (!newLayout) { this.layoutName = this.layout || "default"; return; }
this.layoutName = newLayout;
computed: {
currentLayout() {
if (!this.layoutName) return
const ln = this.layoutName;
return () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "layout-[request]" */ `@/${this.path}/${ln}.vue`);
These lines
if (!newLayout && !this.$route.name) { this.layoutName = null; return; }
if (!this.layoutName) return
Prevents the default from loading before when the routes use beforeRouteEnter, such as this delay on the contact page.
Repro: https://vue-layouts2.surge.sh/contact
In the next versions make available the possibility of using a "loading layout", to avoid going blank until the route loads completely.
@ktquez hmm you could have added it at the end the goal is to make this package good for everyone :)