transition is not work for router-view in app.vue
znzn40 opened this issue · 4 comments
When I was using thevue-cli-plugin-auto-routing, which use the vue-router-layout inside. I found that, the transition in app.vue is not working as expected. (the leave transition was missing)
the root cause is, the RouterLayout component is reused in transition, so, I added one key in router-view.
The leave transition is ok now, but the enter transition is missing.
that is caused by empty layoutName, since the App component is created before RouterLayout, and $_routerLayout_notifyUpdate is not ready for App component.
my solution:
add created() in RouterLayout
let name = this.layoutName = resolveLayoutName(this.$route.matched) || this.layoutName;
if (!this.layouts[name]) {
this.$set(this.layouts, name, function () { return resolve(name); });
Could you provide a reproduction to confirm?
Closing as reproduction is not provided. Please open a new issue with a reproduction if this still persists. Thanks.