
Interactively align a bundle file point cloud to a satellite map.

Primary LanguageHTML

HTML5 Bundle Aligner

Interactively align a bundle file point cloud to a satellite map.

Use it

Get your own Google Static Maps API key: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/static-maps/

Put that API key in the javascript at the top of canvas.html.

Run a local server python -m SimpleHTTPServer and visit http://localhost:8000/canvas.html


Use bundle2json.py to transform a bundle file into json (just an array of {x: #, y: #} . This python script works on bundle file version 0.5 (created for PhotoCity) where the image path is included in the bundle file, each point/track has an extra line representing a player id, and the y axis is up (so look at the x and z coordinates for an overhead view). You'll probably need to modify this script or make your own for your own file format.

Choose bounds for the map image:

var topLat = 47.6539193340082;
var leftLong = -122.3073148727417;
var bottomLat = 47.65280636096129;
var rightLong = -122.3051905632019;


Screenshot showing points aligned to building facade

One of the photos used to make this point cloud:

One of the photos used to make this point cloud


Uses the Javascript matrix library sylvester (http://sylvester.jcoglan.com/) to compute a matrix from translation, rotation, and scale.