
Accessing array[-1] element

sammyj85 opened this issue · 5 comments

In svd.go:194:


Line 194 in 845d02e

if math.Abs(S[L-1]) <= eps {

The last loop iteration is L=0, and in this case S[-1] is attempted to be accessed, which is undefined behaviour.

Additionally, after the L=0 loop, L will be decremented to L=-1, which causes the loop condition to fail, and thus exit the loop. The following loop on line 203 sets i=L=-1, and thus attempts to access t[-1], which is undefined behaviour.

Suggested fix for line 190 is to make it closer to the original Fortran:

L = k
for LL = 1; LL <= k; LL++ {
    L = k + 1 - LL

Interestingly, an older C translation of SVD from the ACM 1969 issue has the same bug, but not the original Fortran...

ktye commented

Thank you for pointing this out.
Are you sure negative indexes are undefined? I thought that will panic.
Did it fail for you? I never had an issue.

The similarity with the C reference is maybe not a coincidence. I actually used a C port as the basis, mentioned somewhere in a forum. But I could not find it again. It's possible that it's this one.

ktye commented

Doesn't the fortran code has the same issue?

do ll = 1, k
          l = k + 1 - ll
          if ( abs ( t(l) ) .le. eps ) then
                  go to 290
          end if
          if ( abs ( s(l-1) ) .le. eps ) then
                  go to 240
          end if
end do

For the last step in the loop ll=k and l=1.
The indexing s(l-1) is 0, but fortran indexes start at 1, right?

ktye commented

I think this is not an issue, because for L=0 the first condition is always satisfied:

if math.Abs(t[L]) <= eps // goto Test

t is set to c at svd.go#L172, and c[0] is never assigned so it is always 0.
Do you agree?

Haha, I don't know Fortran except for 5 mins of research I did when attempting to interpret it just before. It seems you're right that arrays start indexing at 1 by default, unless otherwise specified (https://web.stanford.edu/class/me200c/tutorial_90/07_arrays.html).

I found it from a static analyser highlighting the issue in the C code I referenced. I wasn't able to come up with input data that I could see trigger the bad behaviour. In the C code it did have c[0] = 0.0, and later t[k] = c[k] for k=0. Yet the static analyser wasn't smart enough to apply the abs(t[0]) and determine it breaks the loop like you say. In truth, I have not even used Go, so if you say variables are all set to 0 initially, then I'll take your word for it.

If you're comfortable with relying on if math.Abs(t[L]) <= eps // goto Test always breaking the loop for L = 0, then that's fine.. but it is less clear than the suggested code I had above.

ktye commented

I agree that it is not a nice or obvious formulation.
But I'll keep the current code, as it is similar to the original. This should be more a transpilation than a re-implementation.

Go variables are always initialized with the zero value:
This is part of the language and people use this a lot.

Thank's again for showing the issue.