
consider moving some to PHP-CS-Fixer itself

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Awesome custom fixers, lot of good stuff :)
I was wondering NoTwoConsecutiveEmptyLinesFixer, is there something different than no_extra_blank_lines with config extra? Like to know if I missed something there.

PhpdocVarAnnotationCorrectOrderFixer please consider bringing this to PHP-CS-Fixer as well, love to have it in there :)

Thanks. Absolutely, the whole idea for this repo is to avoid copy/pasting fixers between all my projects and have them here - some too specific (like NoPhpStormGeneratedCommentFixer) and some in "easy version" and when needed/requested/ready - move them to the main repo.

NoTwoConsecutiveEmptyLinesFixer does one more thing comparing to no_extra_blank_lines. It will remove an empty line from:



as T_OPEN_TAG will contain one \n and no_extra_blank_lines wont' count it - as I've checked that is the only case I was missing - should we fix it and deprecate NoTwoConsecutiveEmptyLinesFixer?

And PhpdocVarAnnotationCorrectOrderFixer is already in PR.

thanks man :)

  • as I've checked that is the only case I was missing - should we fix it

to me that sounds like a true bug in the no_extra_blank_lines fixer