
Arrays in accessors chain get transformed into Objects

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kube commented

When accessor chain contains an Array, as in:

const state = {
  title: 'Hello',
  exercises: [
    { name: 'Bonjour' },
    { name: 'Hello' },
    { name: 'Hola' }

const newState = set(state, _ => _.exercises[0].name)('Salut')

Here newState.exercises will be transformed in an Object:

const state = {
  title: 'Hello',
  exercises: {
    '0': { name: 'Salut' },
    '1': { name: 'Hello' },
    '2': { name: 'Hola' }

This causes problem when using Array methods:

// Will throw an error as exercises does not have map method anymore
state.exercises.map(exercise => ... )