
add displayName in component

bjwswang opened this issue · 1 comments

To support 中文名称,we can add a annotation in Chart.yaml like

apiVersion: v2
name: core
  core.kubebb.k8s.com.cn/displayname: "内核"
description: Kubebb Core provides core implementations on Component Lifecycle Management.Our design and development follows operator pattern which extends kubernetes APIs.
type: application
version: v0.1.12
appVersion: v0.1.4
icon: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/85277200
  - repository
  - helm
  - lifecycle-management
  - https://github.com/kubebb/core
  - name: bjwswang
    url: https://github.com/bjwswang
  - name: Abirdcfly
    url: https://github.com/Abirdcfly
  - name: 0xff-dev
    url: https://github.com/0xff-dev

When repository controller sync the components, we extract the annotation to component.

When pushed a new version with different displayname in annotation,we keep the latest one