How to use the Wildcards feature?
terry8yu opened this issue · 4 comments
When I use the code below to subscribe the events, it reported the error:
SubscribeRequest subscribeRequest = new SubscribeRequest(); subscribeRequest.setChannel("mqtt.>"); subscribeRequest.setClientID("location-event"); subscribeRequest.setSubscribeType(SubscribeType.EventsStore); subscribeRequest.setEventsStoreType(EventsStoreType.StartAtSequence); try { subscriber.SubscribeToEvents(subscribeRequest, this);"[EventListener::init] Subscribe to events-store [channel name : {}] successfully.", subscribeRequest.getChannel()); } catch (ServerAddressNotSuppliedException | SSLException e) { log.error("[EventListener::init] Failed to subscribe to events-store : ", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); }
After the subscriber.SubscribeToEvents, the onError reported:
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: INTERNAL: Error 107: invalid channel value, no wildcards are allowed.
Does it support the Wildcards feature, or otherwise?
BTW: I use this SDK: io.kubemq.sdk:kubemq-sdk-Java:1.0.4.
You cannot use * in Events-Store only on Events,
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So you mean that Events-Store does not support *, does it support >?
Can I use > on Events?
only on Events
no wildcards from any type is allowed on Events-Store
Got it, Thx!