
Bug: getting credentials: exec: executable aws not found

macmiranda opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @ricoberger,

Running into a bug on macOS Ventura (M1 chip). Clusters config is read from .kube/config, which does client authentication via exec-based plugin (aws) considering that those are EKS clusters.
We use different profiles for different clusters like so:

- name: staging
      apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta1
      - eks
      - get-token
      - --cluster-name
      - eks-cluster-staging
      command: aws
      - name: AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
        value: eu-central-1
      - name: AWS_PROFILE
        value: staging
      interactiveMode: IfAvailable
      provideClusterInfo: false

kubectl works fine.

When running kubenav, it does recognize the clusters but cannot find the aws executable although it's in the PATH. See log excerpt below:

Time: 2023-01-27 11:23:54.377906
Name: KubenavDesktop kubernetesRequest
Message: Result of the kubernetesRequest function
Detail: {"error": "Get 'https://*****.eu-central-1.eks.amazonaws.com/api/v1/events?fieldSelector=type%3DWarning': getting credentials: exec: executable aws not found

It looks like you are trying to use a client-go credential plugin

Time: 2023-01-27 11:23:54.377995
Name: KubernetesService getRequest
Message: Get request failed
Detail: FormatException: Control character in string (at character 189)
...lector=type%3DWarning': getting credentials: exec: executable aws not found

Hi @macmiranda, thanks for reporting🙂. I already tested this and added the paths in this PR #459 so it was working for me.

What is the location of your aws binary, maybe we also have to add this path.

Mine is at /opt/homebrew/bin/aws, which is a pretty common location for macOS users.

I tried to edit the file in the /Applications/kubenav.app/Contents/Info.plist as a regular user and it failed so then I ran sudo -i and tried again and the file was gone 🤷🏼‍♂️

Can you try the binary from the following GitHub Action https://github.com/kubenav/kubenav/actions/runs/4024802087

It works 🎉
