Outdated CSINodeInfo CRD URL
leakingtapan opened this issue · 3 comments
leakingtapan commented
The URL for CSINodeInfo is outdated here:
It was:
Not it becomes:
Also, the same issue for CSIDriver CRD
leakingtapan commented
/cc @davidz627 @saad-ali
pohly commented
Should we limit the use of URLs to the Example.md and just refer to it
under Setup.md?
If yes, then we only need to update URLs in one place.
If no, then Setup.md should also start using URLs with a revision
leakingtapan commented
Or we can keep the URLs centralized in Setup.md and refer to it from Example.md. It makes more sense to me to put it under setup, since this is more driver setup related. But I don't have strong opinion on this.