
Truncated Hostname kube-controller-manager

wolstena opened this issue · 4 comments

I have been in the process of creating a new cluster using kube-aws 0.14.2. And it seemed to be failing randomly. I found in the logs the hostname for the controller is too long.

Nov 05 23:42:56 ip-10-50-14-49.acc1.central1.cc sh[2017]: E1105 23:42:56.434543 2017 kubelet_pods.go:388] hostname for pod:"kube-controller-manager-ip-10-50-14-49.ca-central-1.compute.internal" was longer than 63. Truncated hostname to :"kube-controller-manager-ip-10-50-14-49.ca-central-1.compute.int"

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