
kube-aws-0.14.2 Unable create stack, with aws-iam-authenticator enabled

flah00 opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems like the IAM worker role arn, referred to in control plane, is errantly imported from the network stack. This prevents the control plane stack from creating successfully.

kube-aws output

+00:09:11       CREATE_FAILED                           k9s-zoo-Controlplane-1UGL3AD71MJC2 "No export named k9s-zoo-Network-1C91342Y0NUYU-nodepool1IAMRoleWorkerArn found"
+00:09:21       CREATE_FAILED                           Controlplane               "Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:221645429527:stack/k9s-zoo-Controlplane-1UGL3AD71MJC2/1d7b6c10-0bb7-11ea-bcfc-0e9c8848c400 was not successfully created: No export named k9s-zoo-Network-1C91342Y0NUYU-nodepool1IAMRoleWorkerArn found"
+00:09:21       CREATE_FAILED                           k9s-zoo                    "The following resource(s) failed to create: [Controlplane]. "
Error: error updating cluster: Stack creation failed: CREATE_FAILED : The following resource(s) failed to create: [Controlplane].

Printing the most recent failed stack events:
CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack k9s-zoo The following resource(s) failed to create: [Controlplane].
CREATE_FAILED AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Controlplane Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:221645429527:stack/k9s-zoo-Controlplane-1UGL3AD71MJC2/1d7b6c10-0bb7-11ea-bcfc-0e9c8848c400 was not successfully created: No export named k9s-zoo-Network-1C91342Y0NUYU-nodepool1IAMRoleWorkerArn found


- rolearn: ",{"Fn::ImportValue":{"Fn::Sub":"${NetworkStackName}-nodepool1IAMRoleWorkerArn"}},"\n

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