
Logging should be clearer when service catalog fails to connect to etcd

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I encountered a scenario where the SC failed to connect to etcd using TLS because the etcd certificate name did not match the connection hostname.

There was no obvious logging at loglevel 10 and the SC /healthz and /healthz/etcd endpoints did not indicate an issue. The SC itself just seemed to be hanged and API requests returned errors like Error from server (Forbidden): clusterservicebrokers.servicecatalog.k8s.io "foo" is forbidden: not yet ready to handle request.

It would be good to add loggging -

  • to show etcd connection failures and detail
  • on /healthz
  • to be clearer about which admission controller is failing, when one is failing

@pmorie @jboyd01

We're using the upstream checker, and that has no logging.

Did you see any of the log messages in https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/service-catalog/blob/v0.1.12/cmd/apiserver/app/server/run_server.go#L135-L149 or did it just hang completely with no details?

I didn't, no. I wonder if the etcd logging is just all disabled. Perhaps enabling it when the -v loglevel is above a certain level, or something like that, might help?

I may be hitting this issue myself, still debugging. However I do see that the test that is under CheckEtcdServers() is pretty lame - it just does a dial on the address:port and if the dial is accepted the connection is closed and thumbs up. Certainly could be stronger.

/assign @jboyd01

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