
How do you enable CSIStorageCapacity during driver deployment

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After deploying aws-ebs-csi-driver I notice that storageCapacity for csidrivers.storage.k8s.io ebs.csi.aws.com is set to false and I have been unable to identify any values/config in the Helm chart to adjust this.

The only workaround I have is to manually patch this value after driver deployment:

kubectl patch csidrivers.storage.k8s.io ebs.csi.aws.com -p '{"spec":{"storageCapacity":true}}'

Is there a different way to set the CSI driver spec that I am overlooking?


Hi, the EBS CSI Driver does not currently implement the CSI GetCapacity call, and thus we intentionally do not offer a way to modify this option in the StorageClass, as it would do nothing. We do not support GetCapacity as it is targeted towards drivers with a limited storage pool, while EBS represents effectively unlimited storage - thus most/all of the features do not apply to EBS volumes.

Is there a reason you are trying to turn on this feature for the EBS CSI Driver?