
x-k8s-aws-id included in the header, but gives Invalid query parameter x-k8s-aws-id

rchamarthi opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I am trying to generate a eks token from dotnet code, which will then be used to create a k8s client. I am following the instructions here and trying to implement the same code in c#. I am getting unauthorized error and the reason is that the token is malformed.

When I add the x-k8s-aws-id in the headers using

req.Headers.Add("x-k8s-aws-id", clusterName);

I get the following error (even though it is not added to a query parameter as the error suggests). Adding it in query parameters using req.Parameters.Add gives the same error, which is expected.

time="2022-05-28T06:49:27Z" level=warning msg="access denied" client="" error="input token was not properly formatted: non-whitelisted query parameter \"x-k8s-aws-id\"" method=POST path=/authenticate

When I don't include the x-k8s-aws-id in the query string or parameter, I see the following issue, which is expected.

client did not sign the x-k8s-aws-id header in the pre-signed URL

I logged the URL before it is encoded and I don't see any query parameter with x-k8s-aws-id as the key.


After some tricky debugging, I found that this was because the signed headers query parameter had a semicolon in the value (;), which was causing an exception in the way the query parameter was being read.


Once I URL encoded the query parameter values, it was interpreted correctly.