
Tuning ProvisionedIOPS for Extreme Persistent Disk

mbiagetti opened this issue · 7 comments

I'm developing a tool where the customer can specify the IOPS of an pd-extreme disk.
Are storage classes the only way to specify IOPS for a Volume? Can this is be passed somehow via a PVC?

I also try to set that value after the creation but seems not possible (the api does not support that feature).

Any tips/advice?

Do you know if this could be supported in the future?

If you use the latest version of pd csi driver which is 1.9.1, you can create pd-extreme with SC parameters to specify iops, here is an example yaml file.

However after creation if you want to update the iops value to something else, currently you need to do that via PD apis directly. We are still working on updating iops in OSS k8s.

Does this answer your question?

Extreme PDs can only have their IOPS set at creation time anyway, so the storage class API in 1.9.1 should be enough.

(it's also in 1.9.0, but 1.9.1 upgrades the base image to pick up some CVEs).

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