
Updating IOPS/Throughput for hyperdisk balanced disk

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We can specify provisioned-iops-on-create and provisioned-throughput-on-create in Storage class but that will be only helpful for on create. But we cannot update the values later for the PVs. Using following examples command we can specify IOPS AND Throughput for hyperdisk-balanced for both during create and update. Is there any plan to support following functionality for PersistentVolume using CSI driver. ?


  1. we can create disk with following command where we can sepcify IOPS and Throughput :
    Ref: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/persistent-volumes/hyperdisk#gcloud

gcloud compute disks create DISK_NAME

  1. Update disk IOPS and Throughput using following gcloud command.
    Ref : https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/disks/modify-hyperdisks#gcloud

gcloud compute disks update DISK_NAME

Hi to extend above question.
In k8s we have VolumeAttributesClass to support configuring IOPS and Throughput.

Is there any plan to support VolumeAttributesClass in GCP CSI driver ?

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