
Capi Ubuntu 22.04 image built with Qemu fails to bootstrap correctly

nikParasyr opened this issue ยท 5 comments

What steps did you take and what happened:

  • Built an ubuntu 22.04 image using the qemu provider
  • (came across the issue mentioned in #1076 but overcame it )
  • upload the image to an Openstack cluster
  • try and deploy a new cluster using that image
  • the first controlPlane boots but never gets ready, ssh is not working and k8s is not initialized
  • i was able to get access to the vm through Openstack console and booting to single user mode from linux grub, while trying to figure out what was wrong I noticed:
    • that the kubeadm config and kubernetes pki files are not copied to the vm
    • I then looked through the various cloud-init services via journalctl but could not find a clear "error" showing some of them failing
    • I double-checked the secret created on the management cluster containing the cloud-init for the node and the openstack user_data of the vm (visible from inside the vm using the metadata service). Both of the seemed were available and seemed correct.
    • Not a cloud-init guru here, but i think cloud-final is the one responsible for copying these files etc, but i couldnt find in its logs were/why it failed

What did you expect to happen:
The node to get bootstrapped correctly

Anything else you would like to add:

  • ubuntu 20.04 images built with the qemu provider worked just fine in the past -- first image with ubuntu 22.04
  • using the openstack remote client builts the image correctly and i can deploy the clusters
  • ubuntu 22.04 images created with qemu are quite big.... 10-15G each
  • also tried 3 different base images and all of them failed


Project (Image Builder for Cluster API, kube-deploy/imagebuilder, konfigadm):

Additional info for Image Builder for Cluster API related issues:

  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release, or cmd /c ver):
  • Packer Version:
  • Packer Provider:
  • Ansible Version:
  • Cluster-api version (if using): 1.4.1
  • Kubernetes version: (use kubectl version): 1.26.4

/kind bug

Hello @nikParasyr,
introduced #1146 which I tested on OpenStack and it worked for me. Can you try your setup with these changes to see if it works too?
Note: I experienced the same 10-15G big images

ffais commented

Hi @chess-knight,
I tried with the changes present in your pull request, but the problem with the qemu is still present.

I tried with the changes present in your pull request, but the problem with the qemu is still present.

Hi @ffais
I retest it and for me, it works.
I used these steps:

  1. build qemu ubuntu 22.04 image(kubernetes v1.26.3):
PACKER_FLAGS="--var 'kubernetes_rpm_version=1.26.3-0' --var 'kubernetes_semver=v1.26.3' --var 'kubernetes_series=v1.26' --var 'kubernetes_deb_version=1.26.3-00'" mak
e build-qemu-ubuntu-2204
  1. create the image in the OpenStack(it is still big 12.12 GB):
openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --min-ram 1024 --min-disk 20 --file output/ubuntu-2204-kube-v1.26.3/ubuntu-2204-kube-v1.26.3 test-capi-image-v1.26.3
  1. use it with the CAPO(capi v1.3.5, capo v0.7.1):
apiVersion: infrastructure.cluster.x-k8s.io/v1alpha6
kind: OpenStackMachineTemplate
  name: chess-knight-chesscluster-control-plane-genc01
  namespace: default
      flavor: SCS-2V:4:20
      image: test-capi-image-v1.26.3

Note: Flavor SCS-2V:4:20 is 2 VCPUS, 4GB RAM and 20GB Disk

ffais commented

Hi @chess-knight,
Now it's working for me too, I've also tested with the latest Ubuntu image 22.04.2. Using the lastest Ubuntu image you can save time during build process.

Now it's working for me too, I've also tested with the latest Ubuntu image 22.04.2.

Hi @ffais,
thank you for the successful testing.

I also created an issue #1155 for big qcow2 images, so we will not forget it.