
couldn't resolve module/action 'amazon.aws.s3_object'.

tuxtof opened this issue · 1 comments

tuxtof commented

What steps did you take and what happened:

since commit 5a25506

when we try to use load_additional_components it failed with the following error

ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'amazon.aws.s3_object'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.

even if we don't use additional_s3

what is expected here ???

do we need to add hack/ensure_s3 to each target ?


Project (Image Builder for Cluster API:

Additional info for Image Builder for Cluster API related issues:

  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release, or cmd /c ver): linux ubuntu 2204
  • Packer Version: 1.8.7
  • Packer Provider: n/a
  • Ansible Version: 2.11.5
  • Cluster-api version (if using): n/a
  • Kubernetes version: (use kubectl version): n/a

/kind bug
[One or more /area label. See https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api/labels?q=area for the list of labels]

/assign @drew-viles

I've got a fix being tested for this now.