
Installing azure cli is flaky on windows jobs

jsturtevant opened this issue · 5 comments

          vhd failure was 
�[0;32m    azure-arm.vhd-windows-2019-containerd:             "summary-line": "Check Azure CLI is installed via alias: exit-status: Error: Command execution timed out (10s)",�[0m

I believe this is a new goss test and may be flaky?

/retest pull-azure-vhds

Originally posted by @jsturtevant in #1353 (comment)

/sig windows

@DannyBrito are you seeing any issues on your pipelines?

@mboersma, have you seen this issue in ADO image builder pipeline?

I haven't seen this particular error when running the ADO image-builder pipelines, no.

I'm seeing this often in CI. I think it's more likely that the .MSI was installed by ansible but that the goss test is somehow failing to find it. But honestly I can't tell, and I'm having trouble building Windows locally.

We could maybe trying reverting the goss test to what was originally proposed: #1326 (review)