
Azure SIG CI flakes

kkeshavamurthy opened this issue · 1 comments

I think the reason this Azure SIG test fail often is windows-2019 and windows-2019-containerd SIG end up with the same SIG Image Name. Whichever of the 2 builds completes second tries to create a SIG Image in the Gallery with the image name that already exists and fails.

Windows-2019 SIG image info:

�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Compute ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-jb6x9uvqz8'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Compute Name              : 'pkrvmjb6x9uvqz8'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Compute Location          : 'eastus2'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Image ResourceGroupName   : 'image-builder-e2e-6vf1l8'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Image Name                : 'capi-windows-2019-1660288896'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Image Location            : 'eastus2'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019: ERROR: -> PropertyChangeNotAllowed : Changing property 'sourceVirtualMachine' is not allowed.

SIG Windows-2019-Containerd info:

�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd: Capturing image ...�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Compute ResourceGroupName : 'pkr-Resource-Group-30uqf66a45'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Compute Name              : 'pkrvm30uqf66a45'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Compute Location          : 'eastus2'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Image ResourceGroupName   : 'image-builder-e2e-6vf1l8'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Image Name                : 'capi-windows-2019-1660288896'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Image Location            : 'eastus2'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd: Publishing to Shared Image Gallery ...�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> MDI ID used for SIG publish           : '/subscriptions/0e46bd28-a80f-4d3a-8200-d9eb8d80cb2e/resourceGroups/image-builder-e2e-6vf1l8/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/capi-windows-2019-1660288896'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG publish resource group            : 'image-builder-e2e-6vf1l8'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG gallery name                      : 'ClusterAPI1660288827fxzt'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG image name                        : 'capi-windows-2019-containerd'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG image version                     : '0.3.1660288896'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG replication regions               : '[eastus2]'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG image version endoflife date      : ''�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG image version exclude from latest : 'false'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> SIG replica count [1, 10]             : '1'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Shared Gallery Image Version ID : '/subscriptions/0e46bd28-a80f-4d3a-8200-d9eb8d80cb2e/resourceGroups/image-builder-e2e-6vf1l8/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/ClusterAPI1660288827fxzt/images/capi-windows-2019-containerd/versions/0.3.1660288896'�[0m
�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd: 
Image Name                : 'capi-windows-2019-1660288896

is the same for both.

On a successful build:

�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019-containerd:  -> Image Name                : 'capi-windows-2019-1660180017'�[0m

�[1;32m==> sig-windows-2019:  -> Image Name                : 'capi-windows-2019-1660180016'�[0m

CC: @jsturtevant

Originally posted by @kkeshavamurthy in #945 (comment)

seems like a variable in the scripts isn't getting set right, the original image name Image Name : 'capi-windows-2019-1660288896' should have the -containerd like the sig name that is finally stored: SIG image name : 'capi-windows-2019-containerd