
tf-elastx_cleanup is failing with 'resource in use'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

ant31 commented

Which jobs are failing ?


Which tests are failing ?


Since when has it been failing ?


Reason for failure

openstack.exceptions.ConflictException: ConflictException: 409: Client Error for url: https://ops.elastx.cloud:9696/v2.0/security-groups/2f50242b-24a8-4f92-9a9d-348ded7e769f, Security Group 2f50242b-24a8-4f92-9a9d-348ded7e769f in use.

Anything else we need to know

No response

ant31 commented

The issue is resolved:

tf-elastx job was interrupted in a previous run and those resources were hanging.
The cleanup jobs is probably not deleting resources in the correct order when retrying.