
Should the Operator be NameSpaced or Cluster

ArangoGutierrez opened this issue · 10 comments

Per definition

When you create a new CustomResourceDefinition (CRD), the Kubernetes API Server creates a new RESTful resource path for each version you specify. The CRD can be either namespaced or cluster-scoped, as specified in the CRD's scope field. As with existing built-in objects, deleting a namespace deletes all custom objects in that namespace. CustomResourceDefinitions themselves are non-namespaced and are available to all namespaces.

currently the operator runs namespaced, what do we think about it being Cluster-scoped?

mythi commented

what do we think about it being Cluster-scoped?

Node objects are non-namespaced too so I think a cluster scoped NFD CRD would be better aligned with that.

what do we think about it being Cluster-scoped?

Node objects are non-namespaced too so I think a cluster scoped NFD CRD would be better aligned with that.

Hmm, now thinking of this, I'm not really sure 🙃 Node objects sure are non-namespaced but OTOH the operator always runs in some namespace. I'd probably stay with namespaced. Makes cleaning up kind of easier: deleting the namespace should make sure that no old configs haunt you in the future. Thoughts? @zvonkok?

mythi commented

With namespaced CRDs the operator needs to watch all those namespaces to CRUD an NFD instance in each of them. What I've understood and it was also mentioned by @zvonkok in kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery#508 (comment) that one instance of NFD in a cluster is preferred. AFAIU with that it would be simpler to watch cluster-scoped CRDs. Alternatively, the operator could watch only one namespace (WATCH_NAMESPACE?) but it'd still be possible to create orphan CRDs...

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as NFD support the instance flag, we may run multiple instance of NFD, it should be reasonable to be namespaced.

for example, we may leave different people managing their features and isolated by both label namespace and k8s namespaces, eg. gpu-nfd for nvidia.com under gpu-ops ns, network-nfd for network.example.com network-ops ns.

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As per #114 this is now fully documented

@ArangoGutierrez: Closing this issue.

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As per #114 this is now fully documented

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