
Spike: Is it possible to promote images that weren't built by a Google Cloud Build

Opened this issue · 6 comments


  • SIG reaches a decision based on data that shows what's realistic.
  • In the future, SIG uses this decision to plan future work.

Tasks to achieve the objective

By 1-3 contributors:

  • What problem do we currently have with Google Cloud Build? Security, etc.?
  • Do research on the topic
  • Collect and answer additional questions as part of your research phase
  • Prepare a brief (1-2 pages max) proposal evaluating pros, cons, and tradeoffs
  • Share proposal with SIG (mailing list, Slack thread, at community meeting)

By the SIG/group:

  • SIG members provide input on findings/raise questions
  • After a timeboxed review period (to be determined), SIG members regroup to make a decision
  • Log decision for community awareness
  • Plan next steps

Context and things to think about while working on this task

  • This relates to potential work to make the image promoter less monolithic
  • It specifically relates to the step, "Changes images.yaml for image in github.com/kubernetes/k8s.io"



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The Kubernetes project currently lacks enough contributors to adequately respond to all issues.

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