
kubeadm should leverage kubelet automatic client cert rotation on nodes created with `kubeadm init`

lnovara opened this issue ยท 18 comments




kubeadm version kubeadm version: &version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.3", GitCommit:"2d3c76f9091b6bec110a5e63777c332469e0cba2", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-08-26T15:59:52Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}

What happened?

On master nodes, /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf gets created with "hardcoded" client-certificate/client-key instead of pointing to /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem as done on minions node.

What you expected to happen?

I expected /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf to point to /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem to leverage automatic kubelet client certificate rotation that is configured by kubeadm

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?

kubeadm init && cat /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf

Anything else we need to know?

I already know this a chicken-and-egg problem but I think it would be really nice if the first master, after initialising the control plane, could make use of /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem to further streamline the certificates rotation process and avoid having to use kubeadm init kubeconfig kubelet just on the master nodes to renew kubelet's client certificate.

/assign fabriziopandini

@lnovara i think the request is a reasonable one.
@fabriziopandini want me to take this?
(although probably needs some discussion / decision making first)

so i did some investigation here and there are couple of options.

let the kubelet manage kubelet.conf

this means that:

  • we need to write the client certificates in boostrap-kubelet.conf
  • let the kubelet write kubelet.conf post-CSR, which may or may not point to rotatable files, depending on --rotate-certificates
  • wait for the control-plane to boot up.
  • manually create a Node object populated with node-role labels, NoSchedule taint and CRISocket, because the Node object of this node will not available yet and cannot be "patched". later this same object will be populated properly by the kubelet.


  • we don't have to track if the user decided to disable kubelet client cert rotation


  • disruptive to the existing kubeadm workflow (although i'm starting to think this should have been the original workflow in kubeadm).

let the kubeadm manage kubelet.conf (current behavior)

  • let kubeadm write kubelet.conf
  • wait for the kubelet to write certificates in /var/lib/kubelet/pki
  • if kubelet client cert rotation is enabled:
    updated kubelet.conf to point to /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem
  • if kubelet client cert rotation is disabled continue using the embedded client certificates


  • preserves the existing kubeadm workflow


  • kubeadm has to guess if the kubelet is configured without client cert rotation, possibly based on contents in /var/lib/kubelet/pki/

@neolit123 feel free to work on this issue
Some initial thought:

  1. AFAIK the problem exists only on the first bootstrap node because of both join and join --control plane should layout things as expected
  2. On the first bootstrap node, we can't leverage on CSR (or am I wrong?)
  3. I think that the easiest approach is to Pivot the first node to use the /var/lib/kubelet/pki/ immediately after kubelet start
  4. I think we should pivot no matter if certificate rotation is enabled or not, so we are consistent in how kubelet is configured across all nodes

@fabriziopandini if we pivot no matter if certificate rotation is enabled or not, we need to dig into the kubelet configuration to understand if client cert rotation is enabled or not when a cert rotation is needed.

What's kubelet behaviour when TLS bootstrap is enabled but client cert rotation is not? Is it even possibile to do TLS bootstrap without enabling client cert rotation?

I think we should be consistent with the kubelet behaviour in this case.

Just my 2 cents.


AFAIK the problem exists only on the first bootstrap node because of both join and join --control plane should layout things as expected


On the first bootstrap node, we can't leverage on CSR (or am I wrong?)

we can - i've tried it, but it will result in delay of the automatic creation of the Node object for this node. can be mitigated if the object is created by kubeadm.

I think that the easiest approach is to Pivot the first node to use the /var/lib/kubelet/pki/ immediately after kubelet start

from my experiments yesterday this is not possible. the kubelet needs valid client certs to authenticate with the api-server first, and only then we can use /var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem
or do you mean something else?

EDIT: actually reading this again, yes this is what we want to do but then there is a problem:
#1753 (comment)

I think we should pivot no matter if certificate rotation is enabled or not, so we are consistent in how kubelet is configured across all nodes

/var/lib/kubelet/pki/kubelet-client-current.pem will be absent if cert rotation is disabled, so we can only pivot based on the kubelet --rotate-certificates or KubeletConfiguration equivalent.


What's kubelet behaviour when TLS bootstrap is enabled but client cert rotation is not? Is it even possibile to do TLS bootstrap without enabling client cert rotation?

if the kubelet client cert rotation is disabled TLS boostrap still works.

if we look at the approach let the kubeadm manage kubelet.conf the biggest blocker here is external kubelet.conf vs cert rotation.

if the user feeds their external kubelet.conf before kubeadm init, kubeadm does not touch the file during the kubeconfig phase.

and given we can only update this kubelet.conf file after the rotation PEM files are on disk, and given kubeadm phases are granular, we don't have a way to know at that point if the kubelet.conf file was external, unless we:

  • add more state on disk or in the cluster.
  • dissect the kubelet.conf trying to determine if kubeadm generated it and not the user.

both options seem not ideal.

had a discussion about this with @fabriziopandini
we are going to try to go with the first option from here:
#1753 (comment)

but first discuss it during a kubeadm meeting with the wider group.

a PR is up for this:

we reverted the PR that merged for this with option1 from here:
#1753 (comment)

i will send a new PR when i have the time with option2.

jfbai commented

we reverted the PR that merged for this with option1 from here:
#1753 (comment)

i will send a new PR when i have the time with option2.

@neolit123 May I take this task?

@jfbai this one is tricky and needs a lot of discussion.
please take a look at some of our help-wanted tickets.

jfbai commented

@jfbai this one is tricky and needs a lot of discussion.
please take a look at some of our help-wanted tickets.

IC, thanks a lot.

@neolit123, is it possible that implements auto-update the kubelet.conf to points to the rotated kubelet client certificates, not the embedded base64 encoded certificates during kubeadm upgrade?

Sorry, missed the part about upgrade. I think its a bit tricky to do this on upgrade because the user might have disabled cert rotation. You can still execute the "kubelet-finalize" phase on demand.

I ran through the code and I think kubeadm want to decouple to kubelet so kubeadm guess the client cert rotation enabled or not by checking the kubelet-client-current.pem exists, but not checking the kubetlet config.yaml.

The command kubeadm init phase kubelet-finalize experimental-cert-rotation is useful to update local kubelet.conf, thanks.