
setup-testkube GHA failing

tvthatsme opened this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to run the kubeshop/setup-testkube@v1 GitHub action to run a test, but getting an error about a missing path. I am using a self-hosted runner.

Run kubeshop/setup-testkube@v1
    namespace: testkube
    channel: stable
    url: testkube.io
    AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: us-east-1
    AWS_REGION: us-east-1
Detected mode: kubectl connection. To use Cloud connection instead, provide your 'organization', 'environment' and 'token'.
Architecture: x86_6[4](https://github.com/.../actions/runs/8193959727/job/22408893779#step:5:4) (x8[6](https://github.com/.../actions/runs/8193959727/job/22408893779#step:5:6)_64)
System: Linux (Linux)
Binary path: <none>
    throw new Error("Could not find a writable path that is exposed in PATH to put the binary.");

Error: Could not find a writable path that is exposed in PATH to put the binary.
    at /runner/_work/_actions/kubeshop/setup-testkube/v1/dist/index.js:[10](https://github.com.../actions/runs/8193959727/job/22408893779#step:5:10)747:[11](https://github.com/.../actions/runs/8193959727/job/22408893779#step:5:12)

Any ideas on how to fix this?

thank you @tvthatsme guess @rangoo94 can comment it

@devcatalin, did you encounter such problems while testing the tool cache on self-hosted machine?

I figured out the problem. We are using self-hosted runners, so not the standard ubuntu-latest but a container that builds on top of that.

I needed to add this

- name: Set up temporary directory for Testkube setup
   # gets around PATH not being writable in self-hosted runners
  run: |
    mkdir -p $HOME/tmp
    chmod +w $HOME/tmp
    echo "$HOME/tmp" >> $GITHUB_PATH

before I called the step

- uses: kubeshop/setup-testkube@v1

This fixes the issue but wasn't immediately clear when running into the error.

thank you, @tvthatsme for both raising it and especially for sharing the fix! Hope it will help other users!