
using `--args` with `run` command does overwrite `--executor-args`

reissseb opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

Using a custom image with the container executor to run a Python script.

The values specified with --executor-args are overwritten with the values of --args when adding them during the run command like this:

testkube create test test-name --file test_script.py` --executor-args "--arg1 value1" --type python/test

teskube run test test-name --arg "--new-arg new-value"

Adding --args-mode append does overwrite the argument as well.

testkube get execution test-name-1 (run without --args does print the initial arguments in the Args field.

testkube get execution test-name-2 (run with --args does print only the new/added arguments in the Args field. The initial arguments are missing.

To Reproduce

  1. create a simple Python script that prints CLI arguments
  2. use a Python Docker image
  3. create test with `testkube create test test-name --executor-args "--arg1 value1" --file [...]
  4. run test without --args: value1 should be printed
  5. run test with --args value2: only value2 is printed, value1 is missing

Expected behavior

--args should append the specified argument to the existing --executor-args arguments by default.

Version / Cluster

  • Which testkube version? 1.17.2
  • What Kubernetes cluster? custom setup
  • What Kubernetes version? 1.28.2

hey @reissseb it's expected behaivour at the moment. we use ArgsMode only for executor args. it's not used for run command. the idea is to use eitther run args, or test args, but not together

@tkonieczny guess it will be confusing and break existing usage