
velad install fails.

zwtcici opened this issue · 4 comments

How about installation failure?
If the installation succeeds in Step 2 and fails in Step 3, how to solve the problem?? urgent

How to solve the following error?

Error message:

time="2023-05-29T14:56:13+08:00" level=info msg="portmapping '8090:80' targets the loadbalancer: defaulting to [servers:*:proxy agents:*:proxy]"
Preparing K3s images...
Saving k3s image airgap install tarball to C:\Users\wtzhouq\.vela\velad\k3s\k3s-airgap-images.tgz
Successfully prepare k3s image:  C:\Users\wtzhouq\.vela\velad\k3s\k3s-airgap-images.tgz
Successfully prepare k3d images
Loading k3d images...
error during connect: this error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running: Post "http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/images/load?quiet=1": open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.

Error: Fail to set up cluster: failed to setup k3d: failed to extract k3d images: exit status 1
  velad install [flags]


# Simply install a control plane
velad install

# Install a high-availability control plane with external database.
# Requires at least 2 nodes.

# 1. Setup first master node
velad install --token=<TOKEN> --database-endpoint="mysql://<USER>:@tcp(<HOST>:<PORT>)/velad_ha" --bind-ip=<LB_IP> --node-ip=<FIRST_NODE_IP>

# 2. Join other master nodes
velad install --token=<TOKEN> --database-endpoint="mysql://<USER>:@tcp(<HOST>:<PORT>)/velad_ha" --bind-ip=<LB_IP> --node-ip=<SECOND_NODE_IP>

# 3. On any master node, start wizard to get command to setup load balancer. Or you can use a load balancer service provided by cloud vendor.
velad load-balancer wizard

# 4. On another node, setup load balancer
<Run command from step 3>

      --bind-ip velad kubeconfig --external   Bind additional hostname or IP to the cluster (e.g. IP of load balancer for multi-nodes VelaD cluster). This is used to generate kubeconfig access from remote (velad kubeconfig --external). If not set, will use node-ip
      --cluster-only                          If set, start cluster without installing vela-core, typically used when restart a control plane where vela-core has been installed
      --database-endpoint string              Use an external database to store control plane metadata, please ref https://rancher.com/docs/k3s/latest/en/installation/datastore/#datastore-endpoint-format-and-functionality for the format
  -d, --detail                                Show detail log of installation (default true)
      --dry-run                               Dry run the install process
  -h, --help                                  help for install
      --name string                           In Mac/Windows environment, use this to specify the name of the cluster. In Linux environment, use this to specify the name of node (default "default")
  -n, --namespace string                      Namespace scope for installing KubeVela Core (default "vela-system")
      --node-ip string                        Set the public IP of the node
  -r, --reuse                                 Will re-use the user's last supplied values. (default true)
      --set stringArray                       Set values on the command line (can specify multiple or separate values with commas: key1=val1,key2=val2)
      --token string                          Token for identify the cluster. Can be used to restart the control plane or register other node. If not set, random token will be generated

Fail to set up cluster: failed to setup k3d: failed to extract k3d images: exit status 1

Please check if your docker daemon (usually docker desktop) is set.


Run velad install to always report this error

A helm install is in the progress. You can refer to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65006907/kubernetes-helm-stuck-with-an-update-in-progress to delete the secret which indicate the installation is in progress.