
strict mode: missing type "number,string" for keyword "format" at "#" (strictTypes)

jeraldsm opened this issue · 13 comments

I get the following error, when I run kubevious guard against a Custom resource external-secrets with --live-k8s

strict mode: missing type "number,string" for keyword "format" at "#/properties/status/properties/refreshTime" (strictTypes)

Here is the full logs of running kubevious guard:

kustomize build deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev/ | kubevious guard --stream --live-k8s --ignore-unknown  --skip-rules container-latest-image
✔ Sources identified.
✔ Manifests loaded.
✔ Received manifests from stdin.
✔ Connected to K8s Cluster.
⠧ Extracting K8s API Schema...[2023-01-06 11:44:02.620] WARN (k8s): [request] Failed. Method: GET. StatusCode: 404-Not Found. 
⠸ Extracting K8s API Schema...[2023-01-06 11:44:03.108] WARN (k8s): [request] Failed. Method: GET. StatusCode: 404-Not Found. 
✔ K8s API Schema Fetched.
✔ Lint complete.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary populated from K8s.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary locally populated.
✔ Rules validation complete.
ℹ️  Linting against Kubernetes Version: v1.22.15-eks-fb459a0

   ✅ No issues with sources.

   ❌ Namespace: microservice-blueprint, API: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1, Kind: ExternalSecret, Name: app-secret
      ♒ STREAM: stream
      🔴 strict mode: missing type "number,string" for keyword "format" at "#/properties/status/properties/refreshTime" (strictTypes)

-= RULES =-
   ✅ No issues with rules.

    📚 Sources: 38
        ✖️  Sources with Errors: 0
    📄 Manifests: 45
        ✅ Valid Manifests: 43
        ❌ Manifests with Errors: 1
        ❕ Manifests with Warnings: 0
        ✅ Manifests Processed for Rules: 3
        ✖️  Manifests with Rule Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Rule Warnings: 0
    📜 Rules: 30
        ✅ Rules Passed: 30
        ✖️  Rules Failed: 0
        🔘 Rules with Errors: 0
        ❕ Rules with Warnings: 0

ℹ️  Run with --detailed to see all sources and manifests

❌ Guard Failed

Following is the external-secret configuration in local. The configuration itself works without any issues.

apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: app-secret
  - key: project-dev-app-secret 
  refreshInterval: 1h
    name: secrets
    kind: SecretStore
    name: app-secret 

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

hi @jeraldsm, Could you post the raw output of kustomize build deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev/ command?

Just a couple of comments regarding the usage. You can pass the kustimoze directory or kustomization.yaml file directly as an input without calling kustomize and piping it into kubevious CLI like this:

kubevious guard deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev/ --live-k8s --ignore-unknown  --skip-rules container-latest-image

Also, this should work without the --ignore-unknown flag, because it is expected that all YAML files to be valid K8s resources.

Hi @rubenhak

Thanks for your comment.

I get the same error when I pass the kustomize path directly as input:

kubevious guard deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev  --live-k8s  --skip-rules container-latest-image
✔ Sources identified.
✔ Succeeded: kustomize build /Users/jeraldmanakkunnel/Documents/projects/xxx/backend/microservice-blueprint/deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev
✔ Manifests loaded.
✔ Connected to K8s Cluster.
⠼ Extracting K8s API Schema...[2023-01-09 06:02:29.074] WARN (k8s): [request] Failed. Method: GET. StatusCode: 404-Not Found. 
⠋ Extracting K8s API Schema...[2023-01-09 06:02:29.563] WARN (k8s): [request] Failed. Method: GET. StatusCode: 404-Not Found. 
✔ K8s API Schema Fetched.
✔ Lint complete.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary populated from K8s.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary locally populated.
✔ Rules validation complete.
ℹ️  Linting against Kubernetes Version: v1.22.15-eks-fb459a0

   ✅ No issues with sources.

   ❌ Namespace: microservice-blueprint, API: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1, Kind: ExternalSecret, Name: app-secret
      ☸️  KUSTOMIZE: /Users/jeraldmanakkunnel/Documents/projects/xxx/backend/microservice-blueprint/deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev
      📄 FILE: /Users/jeraldmanakkunnel/Documents/projects/xxx/backend/microservice-blueprint/deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml
      🔴 strict mode: missing type "number,string" for keyword "format" at "#/properties/status/properties/refreshTime" (strictTypes)

-= RULES =-
   ✅ No issues with rules.

    📚 Sources: 39
        ✖️  Sources with Errors: 0
    📄 Manifests: 43
        ✅ Valid Manifests: 42
        ❌ Manifests with Errors: 1
        ❕ Manifests with Warnings: 0
        ✅ Manifests Processed for Rules: 3
        ✖️  Manifests with Rule Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Rule Warnings: 0
    📜 Rules: 30
        ✅ Rules Passed: 30
        ✖️  Rules Failed: 0
        🔘 Rules with Errors: 0
        ❕ Rules with Warnings: 0

ℹ️  Run with --detailed to see all sources and manifests

❌ Guard Failed

Please find the output of kustomize build deployment/kustomize/overlays/dev/ command:

apiVersion: v1
  AWS_REGION: eu-central-1
  JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dspring.profiles.active=dev -javaagent:/usr/app/dd-java-agent.jar
    -Xms256m -Xmx512m -Xverify:none -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 -Dspring.main.lazy-initialization=false
kind: ConfigMap
    app: microservice-blueprint
  name: app-config
  namespace: microservice-blueprint
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: microservice-blueprint
  name: microservice-blueprint
  namespace: microservice-blueprint
  - name: web
    port: 80
    targetPort: web
    app: microservice-blueprint

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
    app: microservice-blueprint
  name: microservice-blueprint
  namespace: microservice-blueprint
  revisionHistoryLimit: 2
      app: microservice-blueprint

      maxSurge: 25%
      maxUnavailable: 25%
    type: RollingUpdate
        app: microservice-blueprint
      name: microservice-blueprint
          - podAffinityTerm:
                - key: app
                  operator: In
                  - microservice-blueprint
              topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
            weight: 100
      - env:
        - secretRef:
            name: app-secret
        - configMapRef:
            name: app-config
        image: REPLACE_IMAGE
        imagePullPolicy: Always
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /microservice-blueprint/actuator/health/readiness
            port: 8999
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 30
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 2
        name: microservice-blueprint
        - containerPort: 8999
          name: web
          protocol: TCP
          failureThreshold: 3
            path: /microservice-blueprint/actuator/health/readiness
            port: 8999
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 15
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 2
            cpu: 250m
            memory: 512Mi
            cpu: 250m
            memory: 512Mi
          readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
          runAsGroup: 10001
          runAsNonRoot: true
          runAsUser: 10001
          failureThreshold: 5
            path: /microservice-blueprint/actuator/health/readiness
            port: 8999
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 30
          periodSeconds: 15
          successThreshold: 1
          timeoutSeconds: 2
        - mountPath: /app-config/mount
          name: app-config-volume
      serviceAccountName: microservice-blueprint
      shareProcessNamespace: true
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 5
      - configMap:
          name: app-config
        name: app-config-volume
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1
kind: ExternalSecret
    app: microservice-blueprint

  name: app-secret
  namespace: microservice-blueprint
  - key: project-dev-app-secret
  refreshInterval: 1h
    kind: SecretStore
    name: secrets
    name: app-secret
apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1
kind: SecretStore
    app: microservice-blueprint

  name: secrets
  namespace: microservice-blueprint
      region: eu-central-1
      service: SecretsManager
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/backend-protocol: HTTP
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/group.name: backend
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internal
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: "200"
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/target-type: ip
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
    app: microservice-blueprint

  name: microservice-blueprint
  namespace: microservice-blueprint
  - http:
      - backend:
            name: microservice-blueprint
              name: web
        path: /microservice-blueprint*
        pathType: ImplementationSpecific****

Could you try this command locally? I took the output you provided and ran it. Didn't see any errors with the "external-secret" object. I see in your case, it complains about "#/properties/status/properties/refreshTime", but the status object was not even populated in your kustomize output.

$ kubevious guard https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/external-secret.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/crd.yaml

Here is the output I see:

✔ Sources identified.
✔ Manifests loaded.
✔ Fetched K8s API schema.
✔ Lint complete.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary locally populated.
✔ Rules validation complete.
ℹ️  Linting against Kubernetes Version: 1.25.2

   ✅ No issues with sources.

   ✅ No issues with manifests.

-= RULES =-
   ✅ No issues with rules.

    📚 Sources: 38
        ✖️  Sources with Errors: 0
    📄 Manifests: 38
        ✅ Valid Manifests: 38
        ✖️  Manifests with Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Warnings: 0
        ☑️  Manifests Processed for Rules: 0
        ✖️  Manifests with Rule Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Rule Warnings: 0
    📜 Rules: 31
        ✅ Rules Passed: 31
        ✖️  Rules Failed: 0
        🔘 Rules with Errors: 0
        ❕ Rules with Warnings: 0

ℹ️  Run with --detailed to see all sources and manifests

✅ Guard Succeeded.

Hi @rubenhak,

The kubevious guard succeeds with the command you have provided locally and also with "--live-k8s". Please find the output below:

kubevious guard https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/external-secret.yaml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/crd.yaml
✔ Sources identified.
✔ Manifests loaded.
✔ Fetched K8s API schema.
✔ Lint complete.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary locally populated.
✔ Rules validation complete.
ℹ️  Linting against Kubernetes Version: 1.25.2

   ✅ No issues with sources.

   ✅ No issues with manifests.

-= RULES =-
   ✅ No issues with rules.

    📚 Sources: 38
        ✖️  Sources with Errors: 0
    📄 Manifests: 38
        ✅ Valid Manifests: 38
        ✖️  Manifests with Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Warnings: 0
        ☑️  Manifests Processed for Rules: 0
        ✖️  Manifests with Rule Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Rule Warnings: 0
    📜 Rules: 31
        ✅ Rules Passed: 31
        ✖️  Rules Failed: 0
        🔘 Rules with Errors: 0
        ❕ Rules with Warnings: 0

ℹ️  Run with --detailed to see all sources and manifests

✅ Guard Succeeded.

But, When running the kubevious guard locally without specifying "live-k8s" argument and crd.yaml file, I get the "Unknown API Resource" error in the manifest validation part as shown below:

kubevious guard https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/external-secret.yaml           
✔ Sources identified.
✔ Manifests loaded.
✔ Fetched K8s API schema.
✔ Lint complete.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary locally populated.
✔ Rules validation complete.
ℹ️  Linting against Kubernetes Version: 1.25.2

   ✅ No issues with sources.

   ❌ Namespace: microservice-blueprint, API: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1, Kind: ExternalSecret, Name: app-secret
      🌐 WEB: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/external-secret.yaml
      🔴 Unknown API Resource. apiVersion: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1, kind: ExternalSecret.

-= RULES =-
   ✅ No issues with rules.

    📚 Sources: 37
        ✖️  Sources with Errors: 0
    📄 Manifests: 37
        ✅ Valid Manifests: 36
        ❌ Manifests with Errors: 1
        ❕ Manifests with Warnings: 0
        ☑️  Manifests Processed for Rules: 0
        ✖️  Manifests with Rule Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Rule Warnings: 0
    📜 Rules: 31
        ✅ Rules Passed: 31
        ✖️  Rules Failed: 0
        🔘 Rules with Errors: 0
        ❕ Rules with Warnings: 0

ℹ️  Run with --detailed to see all sources and manifests

❌ Guard Failed

Also, When running the kubevious guard locally by specifying "live-k8s" argument and without the CRD.yaml file , I get the inital error strict mode: missing type "number,string" for keyword "format" at "#/properties/status/properties/refreshTime" (strictTypes) in the manifest validation part as shown below:

 kubevious guard https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/external-secret.yaml  --live-k8s 
✔ Sources identified.
✔ Manifests loaded.
✔ Connected to K8s Cluster.
⠏ Extracting K8s API Schema...[2023-01-10 06:20:26.053] WARN (k8s): [request] Failed. Method: GET. StatusCode: 404-Not Found. 
⠦ Extracting K8s API Schema...[2023-01-10 06:20:26.584] WARN (k8s): [request] Failed. Method: GET. StatusCode: 404-Not Found. 
✔ K8s API Schema Fetched.
✔ Lint complete.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary populated from K8s.
✔   Libraries loaded.
✔   ClusterRules loaded.
✔   Rules loaded.
✔   RuleApplicators loaded
✔ RulesLibrary locally populated.
✔ Rules validation complete.
ℹ️  Linting against Kubernetes Version: v1.22.15-eks-fb459a0

   ✅ No issues with sources.

   ❌ Namespace: microservice-blueprint, API: external-secrets.io/v1alpha1, Kind: ExternalSecret, Name: app-secret
      🌐 WEB: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/external-secret.yaml
      🔴 strict mode: missing type "number,string" for keyword "format" at "#/properties/status/properties/refreshTime" (strictTypes)

-= RULES =-
   ✅ No issues with rules.

    📚 Sources: 38
        ✖️  Sources with Errors: 0
    📄 Manifests: 37
        ✅ Valid Manifests: 36
        ❌ Manifests with Errors: 1
        ❕ Manifests with Warnings: 0
        ☑️  Manifests Processed for Rules: 0
        ✖️  Manifests with Rule Errors: 0
        ❕ Manifests with Rule Warnings: 0
    📜 Rules: 31
        ✅ Rules Passed: 31
        ✖️  Rules Failed: 0
        🔘 Rules with Errors: 0
        ❕ Rules with Warnings: 0

ℹ️  Run with --detailed to see all sources and manifests

❌ Guard Failed

Passing the file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubevious/demos/main/bug-fixes/guard/external-secret/crd.yaml does resolve this issue. But do I always need to pass the crd.yaml link to fix this ?

Note: I'm using kubevious version v1.0.50 in Mac OS.

@jeraldsm, can I see your CRD definition for external-secrets.io/v1alpha1 ExternalSecret?

No, it is supposed to work with --live-k8s. For the time being, you can try passing the crd.yaml as an input. But, lets try to get this resolved.

@rubenhak the CRD definition I use for external-secrets was downloaded using helm and the version is 0.3.11. Please find the link below:

I've tested it on a local KIND cluster, and it looks file. I may need a few more inputs from you. I want to look at the OpenAPI Schema. Please run:

$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

Then query the URL http://localhost:8001/openapi/v2.

The result would be pretty large. This is just the API schema, it doesn't contain your k8s objects. Please feel free to email me at r@kubevious.io

@rubenhak I have emailed you the API -Schema. I have also sent you the CRD definition we use, just incase if there's any additional change from the vendor manifest.

@jeraldsm, I got your email. There is something wrong with the "refreshTime" field. See the line 88653.
The refreshTime has the "format": "date-time" set, but not the "type". It is supposed to have "type": "string".

            "refreshTime": {
              "description": "refreshTime is the time and date the external secret was fetched and the target secret updated",
              "format": "date-time"

The manifest CRD contains the "type" field:

  description: refreshTime is the time and date the external secret was fetched and the target secret updated
  format: date-time
  nullable: true
  type: string

Maybe it is some weird EKS behavior. I will look into this more, and might add a check to assume "string" type if no type is set explicitly.

@jeraldsm, could you try the latest version v.1.0.52? Home will take bit longer time to release, so can you use the npm installer or binaries.

Looks like the issue was resolved. Closing for inactivity.

@rubenhak Apologies for the late response.
I tried the latest version v1.0.52 and indeed the issue was fixed. Thanks a lot for the support!

Thanks for testing it out!