"$KUBEADM_TOKEN" was not of the form "\\A([a-z0-9]{6})\\.([a-z0-9]{16})\\z"
yanxiaoqi932 opened this issue · 5 comments
What happened?
When I set up enhanced kubernetes master:
mkdir -p /etc/kubernetes
export KUBEADM_TOKEN=`kubeadm token generate`
kubeadm init --config=/etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-client.yaml --upload-certs -v=5
it shows an error:
initconfiguration.go:306] error unmarshaling configuration schema.GroupVersionKind{Group:"kubeadm.k8s.io", Version:"v1beta3", Kind:"InitConfiguration"}: the bootstrap token "$KUBEADM_TOKEN" was not of the form "\\A([a-z0-9]{6})\\.([a-z0-9]{16})\\z"
What did you expect to happen?
run kubeadm init
How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?
install enhanced k8s according to https://github.com/kubewharf/katalyst-core/blob/main/docs/install-enhanced-k8s.md
Software version
$ <software> version
# paste output here
I have got the reason. We can't use environment parameters in yaml files in this way, yaml files will think it is a string:
apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta3
- groups:
- system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token
Maybe katalyst need to fix this bug in https://github.com/kubewharf/katalyst-core/blob/main/docs/install-enhanced-k8s.md
How did you create your kubeadm-client.yaml
? If you follow the documentation, it is created using heredoc:
export KUBEADM_TOKEN=`kubeadm token generate`
export APISERVER_ADDR=<your master ip address>
cat <<EOF | tee /etc/kubernetes/kubeadm-client.yaml
variable expansion should be the default behavior of heredoc
I didn't have this problem on my side, maybe there was a problem with token generate, can you use echo $KUBEADM_TOKEN
to see the KUBEADM_TOKEN value?
I use vim to create kubeadm-client.yaml, this is the problem. We must use tee instead of vim because of the variable expansion of heredoc, if use vim, $KUBEADM_TOKEN will be think as a string "$KUBEADM_TOKEN" in yaml files.
Thanks, this problem has been solved. 😄